

Project Data


Deakin University


Woods Bagot


16 months




Feb 2024

The Hycel Technology Hub, situated at Deakin University’s Warrnambool Campus in Southwest Victoria, is a groundbreaking hydrogen fuel cell research laboratory the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere. Spanning 2,100m², the building features five laboratories positioned to the south of a central corridor, complemented by a spacious, enclosed research loading bay that accommodates large transport vehicles. The northern building sections are designated research and training spaces. Overall, the design prioritises a connection to the local Indigenous history and environment, requiring extensive engagement with local Traditional Custodians and fostering collaboration among users, while emphasising sustainability and carbon footprint reduction. 

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Sustainability remained a top priority throughout the construction phase of the project. Compliance with Green Star requirements, International Living Future Institute (‘ILFI’) aspirations, and project mandates required changes in construction techniques and subcontractor and supplier management. Early in the construction process, eliminating foil-faced insulation and transitioning to a green concrete design mix significantly improved the building’s sustainability outcomes. Air permeability testing was required on the external façade perimeter, ensuring compliance with project specifications of an air-tight membrane while working with structural connection details and elements. Using Aramax as an external wall cladding required Fairbrother to engage a façade engineer and manage the FP1.4 testing requirements, ensuring building surveyor compliance was achieved as a performance solution. Achieving third-party certification compliance through Energy Safe Victoria presented challenges associated with comparatively unknown Hydrogen Gas requirements, its delicate extraction process and highly perceptive monitoring equipment. 

Additional sustainability specifications included sourcing 95% of the building’s steel from a Responsible Steel Maker, requiring meticulous oversight of the contractor processes and emphasising the importance of thorough Inspection and Test Plans. The project team attained Zero Carbon certification under ILFI, by undertaking rigorous measures such as diverting 90% of construction waste from landfills. 


The Deakin Hycel Technology Hub is a state-of-the-art facility advancing hydrogen fuel cell development, testing and manufacture. The pioneering project pursues a long-term goal of transitioning away from natural gas towards de-carbonising energy usage. 

Previous project: Bethlehem House